Friday 1 April 2011

Moving Day

I finished University. Three years of papers, parties and parental freedom: perished. My standard campus room embellished with vast amounts of junk accumulated over the years has been packed into boxes, bags and bin-liners ready for their new home. My Father arrives and we load the car, a knowing look in his eye; he always knew I would be returning to the nest. The car reaches capacity; just one book, plate or stapler more and I doubt we would make it home. I sit in the heavy car, the engine starts its low groan and the depressing journey begins. As we drive, I watch the clouds covering the motorway; thick, grey, and chubby, threatening to splatter the dirty traffic at any moment. The English weather always manages to make disappointing situations just that little bit more disheartening and dismal.
My Father manoeuvres the car backwards onto our drive and my Mother and sisters appear at the door to greet us. I’m home once again – that stimulating university life slowly slipping into times of yore. It takes time to empty the car and I go it alone, transferring the various bags and boxes of belongings into my unchanged bedroom. We later enjoy a family dinner, my Mother rather satisfied and smug to have the whole family together again. The conversation that fills the room is worlds away from those indulged in a student kitchen; no debates about international politics, no disputes regarding current affairs, and no discussions concerning who drank the most last night and who got lucky. However, there were debates regarding over-the-road putting their rubbish out a day early, discussions concerning the contents of a package delivered to next door and disputes as to whether the hamster got the hiccups last night.... welcome home.

Tuesday 8 March 2011

Home: Day One

I wake rather later, a lingering guilty pleasure of my previous student life. The house is quiet, not like my previous visits home. I realised that everyone was leading a ‘normal’ existence and were at work; causing the solitary silence to grow further more potent around me. I glanced at the clock – just past midday, I was pleased it wasn’t too late compared to my usual routine. I reach for my laptop and flip it open in bed; I might as well start as I as I hope to go on, and the job search was about to begin. However, after a couple of Google searches, this process had to be put on hold as the thought of a CV, or filling in any of the application forms suddenly made me feel unprepared and hungry. I hurriedly snapped the PC shut and moved to the kitchen.
Oh, such a treat to be home. The cupboards are full and the fridge packed, so unlike my pitiful student existence. And a bath! One must indulge in such luxuries after being so long without. However the excitement soon wears off once breakfast and a bath are enjoyed, so I wander the house looking for other previously restricted activities. The blank, black television screen sitting in the corner of the living room looks mysterious and inviting; surviving without a TV at university had not been a problem, but some old school day-off-sick-style sofa time could be enjoyable. I start flicking through channels, feeling somewhat like a cave-woman with the new sky+ system being completely unknown and new to me. I point the control at the screen, randomly pushing buttons in varying combinations, while making peculiar grunting noises as I attempt to decipher the new technology installed in my absence. I manage to find a channel which looks to be exhibiting old people with ever older furniture, but am unfortunately unsuccessful at being proficient enough with the machinery to elicit any sort of audio to accompany the images. Defeated, I mope back up to bed with a book, and hide there until the people with the jobs return home...

Tuesday 1 March 2011

Home: Day Two

I set myself the task of unpacking, or at least to start the dispersing process, so that I do not have to continue to pick my way though the artificial maze of baggage I'd thoughtlessly laid. I began with books - they seemed easy enough, but as I started to shift though the volumes of text it became clear on further consideration this assignment was far more challenging than it first appeared.
I start with a sophisticated approach; Authors surname: A-Z.
(upload the rest)

Monday 31 January 2011

Evolutionary Advertising

Advertising. The Modern Worlds most dangerous predator to the human race.

This persuasive literary form has led to the fall of many, and does what any good predator needs to do; prey on the weak, the needy, the susceptible.

Advertising has evolved substantially over the years and has advanced to one of the greatest accomplishments; becoming its own camouflage. The people no longer even notice when they are being eaten alive they are surround by advertising so much of the time, implementing itself in every aspect of daily life.
*to finished*

Tuesday 25 January 2011

Rewording, Restructuring and Rewriting

I'm trying to write my latest paper to be published, but am struggling to get the balance right. When written for a dissertation it had a lot of basic knowledge that is just not needed when publishing into the current field. Anyway, that's my battle, but here is a little insight into my research:

Over the years medical decision making has evolved. There was a time when patients would just acquiesce to doctors orders, however in these modern times, the amount of control patients have regarding their treatment has changed, varying greatly between individuals. It is seen that it is generally the younger, more healthier patients who like to take a more involved approach, while others prefer a doctor to retain authority. For those who do desire to contribute to the process, the way a doctor gives the relevant information to the patient may play an important role in their decisions and future treatment plan. However, this is a relatively untouched area of research, giving doctors no help in meeting these expectations.

Past research has explored a description-experience gap in decision making. A doctor would normally make decisions from their own experience, and therefore lead to small probabilities being under-weighted, while patients would be basing their decisions on descriptions given by the doctors, leading to small probabilities being over-weighted. This can lead to conflict in the doctor-patient relationship.

My research re-examines this description-experience gap, which has been considered in numerous previous experiments. However, in the past, most of the research has been set in a 'lottery' type environment, whereas I want to move it into the medical world. Alongside this, binary outcomes have been the norm in this area, and again, I want to move away from this limited thinking, as there are normally a number of different outcomes, different side effects or range of improvements that have to be considered by the patient. Lastly, I aim to use new presentation format for doctors to be able to use with patients alongside a description.

Anyway, I hope that gives a little insight into my paper, and below is the abstract, for anyone interested :)....


Research regarding the description-experience gap is extended by the re-examination of four components. The first further observed the role of description when accompanying experiential presentation, while the second sought to add an additional dimension to opposing patterns seen between decisions from description (overweighting of small probabilities) and sequential experience (underweighting rare events). The added experiential condition of simultaneous experience controls for sample size and recency effects, and presents a matrix of outcomes precisely representing outcome probabilities. The third considered complex decision making, with options having 4 or 5 outcomes to consider and compare, such as seen in more real-world decisions, and the final aim was to examine the difference between these decision choices in altered context-frames. Study 1 was designed to equate to previous experimental investigations involving choices between lotteries, while study 2 was intended to inspect these differences in a real-life risk setting, and was situated in a medical context frame. It was found that in both studies there were differences between description and simultaneous experience, which followed a similar pattern of description decision makers presenting more risky behaviour. These differences were predominantly seen when the options were more complex and outcomes could not be directly compared, and it is suggested that in these cases, participants were more open to using the experiential information to aid decision making and consequently more susceptible to exhibit behaviour which underweighted small probabilities. It was also seen that participants implemented less risky behaviour when choices were observed in a medical context frame.

Quartetto Testosterone - Philip Glass - String Quartet No. 5 - 5th Movement

My favourite piece of music at the moment 
I would literately do anything to be able to play the 2nd violin part in a quartet....
I love hearing and feeling all the layers of music (the more you listen to it, you can sense the layers and it just isn't a bit of a mess, you can feel the rhythm and harmony, the way it pushes forward, but the first time it can feel a bit awful if you're unsure what you're listening for) and it is pure heaven listening at 3:10 when they all come together and get a train-like section you can just lose yourself in...
And not just listening - That looks pretty immense to play! No effort with the bowing at all, just all natural movement and notes...

No dates in the UK to go to a concert thou... sad times!


I always pick Intelligent and Good Looking...
I like an intelligent man as I love good conversation and someone that can tell me cool and interesting stuff, and therefore can inspire and impress me, and in turn want to learn from me also
and, well, I have to be sexual attracted to my man!!
So, that ends up with them being emotionally unstable... which yes, always happens to me. Can't have proper conversations about how they feel, and how we are going to make it work, or what we're going to 'label' as us, or what we both want. So I end up in an awkward, half-relationship with an ex for 6 months, a secret relationship with my manager for a year, or seeing a guy who's about to move to the opposite side of the world... but there's me, still hoping one day, one man will like me enough to want to be emotionally stable just cos I'm that special and totally worth it!
haha, pretty sure that's one of those happy endings that I so badly want to believe in!!

What do you pick?

Saturday 20 November 2010

30 Truths

1. Bad decisions make good stories.

2. The most powerful force in the universe is: gossip

3.A Sat-Nav should start its directions on #6, as I’m pretty sure I know how to get out of my town.

4. Part of a best friend's job should be to immediately clear your internet history if you die.

5.Obituaries would be a lot more interesting if they told you how the person died.

6. I can’t remember the last time I wasn’t at least kind of tired.

7.Can we all just agree to ignore whatever comes after Blue Ray? I don’t want to have to restart my collection…again.

8. I keep certain people’s phone numbers in my phone just so I know not to answer when they call.

9. I think the freezer deserves a light as well.

10. I wish Google Maps had an “Avoid rough areas” routing option.

11. How many times is it appropriate to say “What?” before you just nod and smile because you still didn’t hear or understand a word they said?

12. Sometimes I’ll look down at my watch 3 consecutive times and still not know what time it is.

13. The badness of a movie is directly proportional to the number of helicopters in it.

14. I feel there is a need for a sarcasm font

15. No matter what happens, somebody will find a way to take it too seriously.

16. Everyone likes somebody who gets to the point quickly

17. Casual swearing makes people sound stupid.

18. Anyone can be calmed in an instant by looking at the ocean or the stars

19.Curiosity never killed anything except maybe a few hours.

20. Facebook is the best means of communication - not talking.

21. Not everything you cook is edible.

22. Getting post which isn't a bill is such a thrill these days.

23. Everything can be fixed with enough sellotape, glue and staples.

24. Special offers have such an influence on your shopping technique.

25. I don't think puns have ever been so popular.

26. Checking your e-mails can be a great excuse to get out of an awkward situation.

27. Wikipedia and are the fountain of all knowledge.

28. iphones can't physically go in a pocket, but must be out and accessible at all times.

29. It's a little known fact that the Dark Ages were caused by unresolved Y1K issues

30. A paper clip is just a baby coat hanger.

Friday 22 October 2010

100 Classics

I have set myself the task of attempting to read 100 classic books. The list:

1. Little Women - Louisa May Alcott
2. Fairytales and Stories - Hans Christian Anderso
3. Northanger Abbey - Jane Austen
4. Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen
5. Great Expectations - Charles Dickens
6. The Great Gatsby -
F. Scott Fitzgeral
7. T
ess of the D'urbervilles - Thomas Hardy
8. The Hunchback of Notre-Dame - Victor Hugo
9. The Phantom of the Opera - Gaston Leroux
10. Five Children and It - Edith Nesbit
11. 1984 -
George Orwell
12. Frankenstein - Mary Shelley
13. Of Mice and Men - John Steinbeck
14. The Invisible Man - H.G. Wells
15. The Plays of Oscar Wilde -
Oscar Wilde
16. Mrs Dalloway - Virginia Woolf
17. Catch 22 - Joseph Heller
18. Peter Pan - J.M. Barrie
Brave New World - Aldous Huxley
20. The Great Adventures of
Sherlock Holmes - Arthur Conan Doyle
21. The Odyssey - Homer
22. Dracula - Bram Stoker

Thursday 7 October 2010

Humour This.

A good sense of humour is so important these days, ranking higher than good looks or intellect in must-have qualities in people we seek to engage with. We see it as a sign that people are happy, confident, and socially aware. But humour is not just a social way of communicating, it also reveals huge insight into peoples personality. For example people who have an aggressive side may be able to express this by using 'put-downs' or 'teasing' in a social group as a way of letting this aggression out in a less physical manner, while managing to avoid any responsibility for this invading behaviour, citing it as 'a joke'. Or those who have low self-esteem or anxiety using themselves as the joke, hiding behind a character for people to tease. But while this may start off harmless, others will begin to lose respect for the 'clown' and ultimately erode their own self respect.

Watching how people react and interact to humour can be very interesting, and tells a lot not only about the person performing, but the reaction from those around. A good, well-balanced social group also needs to be able to understand and gauge the humour of those around, and requires people with both similar and different humour types to ensure everyone gets the most out of the conversation and the humour. If all members of a group want to be, 'the spotlight' type this can lead to strong conflicting characters fighting to be constantly centre of attention, but one alone will not be able to carry the whole group and can lead to members beginning to find that person annoying. Equally a whole group of 'put-downers' can quickly lead to conversation turning nasty or serious, with some 'laugh at life' humour types needed to ensure the humour is kept, well, humorous.

To maintain a social group a good 'bonding type' humour is needed to keep the group together. A 'bonder' is really the glue to a social group and should be very much at the core, it reminds others of the humours times they have had together, and why they are socially invested in this group of people. Shared experiences makes people feel secure, and laughing enables them to feel relaxed, therefore laughing about shared experiences helps to settle people into a group and want to return to this social circle again. However, bonding types can also make new members to the group feel like outsiders, and make others feel they are not part of the social group; they are able to ostracise members and very much play the dynamics of the group. With new members, this can lead to one of two things. Firstly this may mean an individual no longer wishes to be part of this social group, especially if the bonders are also a 'spot-lighter' or there are strong put-downers in the group. They do not feel welcome to be part of the group, and therefore do not return. A second option may be that the new member feels as if they want to 'earn' their way into the group, they want to be part of the in-group, and will therefore start to join in, and fill in an empty dynamic of the group. Once they have earned a place in the group, that person is now very much invested in the effort they input to become part of the group, and will therefore value the membership of this group quite highly. In this situation if a new member is a bonder, they are able to fit in quite well bringing up or making new shared experiences, but this may lead to head-to-head type behaviour with an already established bonder bringing up situations the new bonder can not join in with. Saying this, a bonder mostly needs a second bonder in a social group to be able to bounce of each other, much like at least 2 spot lighters are needed. There also needs to be at least one laugh at life types when there are put-down or hate-me types, and the put-down or hate-mes really should not outnumber any other humour type.

Each social group also needs a few 'laughers.' These are people who do not really bring much humour to the group, but are vital as they are normally 'spotlight conversationalists' (those who lead a lot of conversation or are very knowledgeable or interesting) or 're-assurers'. They laugh at the humour, and keep the 'entertainers' in check. While the 'spot lighter' likes to think they are in charge, in fact it is the 'laughers' who direct conversation, as they can dictate who to laugh at and when to laugh, ensuring no one oversteps the mark or gets carried away. 'Laughers' police the humour, enabling people to continue to feel secure and relaxed in the situation without the worry of it becoming unbalanced. Without 'laughers' a bonder may start to purposely leave people out and make others feel uncomfortable or a 'put-downer' may turn nasty. Hopefully all members are able to read the situation, gaining social cues from the 'laughers,' knowing they will not laugh when they have gone too far and will therefore modify their humour to avoid similar behaviour, and adjust to the dynamics of the group. Therefore once the 'laughers' have set the boundaries for appropriate humour within the group, all can relax and the humour can ensue.

What humour type are you?? You might change depending on the situation or group of people. Sometimes it's just interesting to see how other people interact :)

Thursday 30 September 2010

Look-a-likes 3 Miliband/Ramano

A look-a-likes 3 post transpired today due to it being brought to my attention the damn-right shocking similarity of these two chaps...
Mr Ray Romano from, 'Everybody Loves Raymond' and
Mr Ed Miliband, a British Labour Party Politician and current Leader of the Labour Party

(Sorry I can't make them both the same size - FAIL)

Special Thanks to a Mr Octavio Amezcua for pointing this likeness out, and in fact holds full credit for this discovery. x

Thursday 28 January 2010

Long Time

I wanted to post, but i'm not really sure what about. Its been so long, a full update wouldn't really be appropriate.
I am studying for my Masters degree, and it is hard work.
I am just going to leave this:
its my published paper - on a french website... oh yeh... i'm international baby! whoop

Tuesday 22 September 2009


I'm feeling in 2 minds about everything
on one hand i'm really looking forward to going back to uni...
i dont think i could stay in my job much longer (im not sure i'll make it through the 3 days I have left, it seems so close yet so far)
and im looking forward to getting back into education and 'bettering' myself again
one more step to where i want to be

On the other hand im completely scared...
worried I wont fit back into education, i wont work hard enough, or i've forgotten too much
i wont have any friends, and feel really lonely and wish i had never gone back to somewhere i was so happy, and end up tarring my whole time at Essex if it goes badly...
worried about getting a balance with everything, the money issue, and the jobs issue...

And overall, I was SO looking forwad to going back for so long, wishing the last 8 months away, infact, 12 months and thinking 'i'll be happier when i go back' what if im not happier?? what if i built it up too much??
i should be like my friend and just not have expectations...
oh dear... this one is a bit more of a personal blog, but i felt it needed to be said :)

Sunday 13 September 2009

Hospital Trip

Well I was meant to update AGES ago, but things got a bit out of hand! Oppps...

Anyway, thought I would update with my little hospital visit. It was a bit unexpected, I just had a pain for a few days, and Mum made me go to the doctor... anyway, he thought it was serious, so i ended up in hospital that evening... but I didn't get a bed until 8pm, and i hadn't even seen a doctor and i was put on an iv and told to stay overnight.... wha??? It was a weird pain, a cross between a period pain and trapped wind, which is why i had left it so long.... and I thought, this will be embarrassing when it turns out to be nothing... and the iv hurt.... a lot...

Anyway, in the night a nurse had stolen some blood (naughty) and kept waking me up every 2 hours to take my blood pressure and temperature and god knows what else... and at 7am a doctor came round and told me i had an infection in my blood... i was surprised it was anything serious, but relieved they knew what it was... as it huuuurrt... they still weren't sure exactly what it was, so they decided to put a camera in my bellybutton to have a lookie around..

anyway.. turns out it was my appendix! woo.... the ward wasn't very nice, bit noisy and busy and wasn't good when ur in pain and i was put on an 'emergency list' so i just had to wait around until there was a gap... luckily i didn't wait too long... but the whole going into the room where they put you to sleep is scary... and it felt horrible as you could feel as the liquids enter ur arms, the thing that makes u go to sleep was REALLY cold, and the morphine BURNED as it went through my veins...

I woke up in recovery, thinking I had fallen asleep at my desk at work... and nearly threw up with the pain!! cue strong drugs. An hour later I was back in the ward, not really sure what had happened.... a doctor came round a bit later and said it was my appendix - which is supposed to be the size of a little worm and mine was like a big slug... lovely... but it was too perferated to take out by keyhole, so they had to cut me open, so I've got a nice long scar....

I was later moved to a ladies ward called Eastwood which I spent the rest of thurs, Fri and most of sat in... i didn't really like it, i could hardly move and felt bored and stranded.... plus they kept putting this big injection in my stomach that felt like burning... apparently it was to stop clotting or something....

I did have a hot Dr called Myles :) and there was a hottish Dr who walked past me when I went on a trip to the maternity ward entrance dragging my iv stand, and spotted fathers proudly phoning everyone in their phonebook... anyway, the hottish Dr said he recognised me, and asked how my appendix was... I was slightly confused as i'd never met him, but he said he'd been in the op... and i was like... erm.... shouldn't u have been looking at my appendix not my face?
and my consultant was Dr Grey... just like Greys anatomy... wooo

anyway... I was let out on Sat, on my mothers birthday, and managed to get home for the first Xfactor... lol

Sooooo, I'll end with a pic of one of my Ivs, I had about 7 in the end cos they kept tissuing because I have small veins, was SO painful, had to have a child's one in the end... and I had mega bruises on my hands for the next couple of weeks!!!

Back to work tomorrow (7th Sept 2009! wooo!) after 2 weeks off, actually looking forward to seeing other humans again!!! x

Wednesday 24 June 2009

A place to sit and read

After a bit of an argument with the family, I walked out the house and set off looking for somewhere to sit alone and read my book (Far from the madding crowd by Hardy)
It was cold and I didn't want to go far.
I ended up in the Foyer of the cliffs theatre... I sat overlooking the Thames watching it slowly get darker while reading my book. A production of 'singing in the rain' was being preformed and heard applause every so often, and apart from the 15 minute interval when it was jam packed and buzzing I had a very peaceful2 hours and read a lot of the book... It was very relaxing and improved my mood no end. I hope to do it again soon. Although I'll have to find another book I can get lost in and enjoy as much as that one (didn't think I'd be a fan of Hardy, but once you get past all the descriptive language, the story has a lot of emotion and life in it)

Sunday 21 June 2009

Vist Up North (Day 2)

Had fun abusing the buffet breakfast
Went for a drive and had lunch in a pub called the harrington arms in Erewash near were Dad was born - Draycott I think.
We then walked around St chads water - it used to be a gravel pit - but they filled it in and made it a Local Nature Reserve - very pretty...
some lovely pics from there
then we drove home...

Saturday 20 June 2009

Vist Up North

Went to visit Sarah in Shepshead and we went to a pretty abbey
Then on to Loughborough to get a train to Leicester and back for my Aunt & Unlces wedding Anniversary...
the station was themed in 1970s style and renamed 'cemetery junction' for the filming of this new movie by Ricky Gervais
and then stayed in a hotel in Derby - I'll add more details and pretty photos

Sunday 7 June 2009

The Plays of Oscar Wilde

I very much enjoyed this book. Having never really read many plays before (probably only really for school - 'An Inspector Calls' and a couple of Shakespeare (King Lear/Henry V) I was doubtful whether this would be any good, but bought it as I thought it might make my reading more varied...
I enjoyed many of these plays, as I felt a lot of them were like little mini, gossip dramas, maybe like a soap or things friends chat/gossip about... there were a couple of dull ones, especially ones he had written after going to America... but a few very enjoyable little plays...

I picked out a few quotes from a couple of the plays that I particularly liked:

*Lady Windermere's Fan
- We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars

- In this world there are two tragedies. One is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it.
- (what is a cynic?) A man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing

*A woman of no importance
-The one advantage of playing with fire, Lady Caroline, is that one never gets even singed. It is the people who don't know how to play with it who get burned up.
-Hearts live by being wounded. Pleasure may turn a heart to stone, riches may make it callous, but sorrow - oh, sorrow, cannot break it.

*An Ideal Husband
-It is not the perfect, but the imperfect who have need of love. It is when we are wounded by our own hands, or by the hands of others, that love should come to cure us - else what use is love at all? All sins, except a sin against itself, love should forgive. All lives, save loveless lives, true love should pardon.
- 'I'm glad you have called. I am going to give you some good advice.' 'Oh! Pray don't. One should never give a woman anything that she can't wear in the evening.'

*The Importance of Being Earnest
-The truth is rarely pure and never simple.
- All women become like their mothers. That is their tragedy. No man does. That's his.

These were probably my 4 favourite plays as well, and would recommend people reading a few, they are only short and don't take long to read and are quite entertaining - exactly what reading should be like!

Saturday 30 May 2009

25th Wedding Anniversary

It was my parents 25th Wedding Anniversary this week. Wow - 25 years with the same person! Well Done them! They went off to Paris for the week (well 4 days) to celebrate - leaving me at home! woo! Me and Charlie had lots of fun, ok... actually, I'm slightly ashamed to admit it - but we spent most of the evenings watching Tv - Britain's Got Talent, Mon, Tue, Thurs & Fri, with The Apprentice on Wednesday - I lead a sad life!
Was off work ill on the Thursday, but by late afternoon was feeling better, so I deep cleaned half the kitchen (I wasn't feeling THAT much better) for my parents return, and made them a card by hand...
Please note the silver sequins to represent the silver wedding anniversary... I did have lots of issue with glue - but I think I just about saved it!
My parents also bought each other a card, my Mum bought hers in one of the local shops, while Dad purchased his in Central London; these are the cards they swapped:

Think it's kinda sweet they got each other the same card... I like coincidences like that :)

Saturday 16 May 2009

Makaton Course

Today, Saturday 16th May, I went on another course, this time a free two hour session to learn Makaton. Makaton is slightly similar to British Sign Language in that some of the signs are the same, however Makaton is for a completely different set of people.

Makaton was first developed in the UK in the 1970’s by a speech and language therapist and was devised as a way of increasing the ability to communicate in those who live with learning difficulties, such as those living with Autism and those with cognitive impairment. Makaton is a much simpler form of communication and uses common vocabulary that is used in everyday speech. It also incorporates the use of picture cards and ties in facial expressions with the word to produce more content in the shortest form.

Unlike British Sign Language, Makaton uses speech as well as actions and symbols. This encourages children to learn many different forms of communication which has shown good results in academic and social achievement by those who use it. It has even been proven to increase literacy and numeracy skills and encourages development of visual, recognition and identification skills. As babies develop, they often use signs and gestures to communicate what they want, such as a drink, and most parents also use this method without realising it. For example, many parents and carers symbolise a drink using a hand to mouth action, or a spoon to mouth action when encouraging children to eat for themselves. Makaton is merely an extension of this, with specific actions, signs and symbols for each activity.

I learnt quite a few everyday words and signs, and very much enjoyed learning this new way of communicating. The key to this technique is to TALK while signing... A lot of people were just signing like you do for BSL as deaf people can't hear the words. However, with Makaton it isn't about the signing, its about being able to communicate effectivly, the signing and symbols add to the meaning of the spoken words, to help the person with difficulties learn the meanings of the words. It is like a child learning to read. Childrens books have lots of pictures, and this helps give clues to what the story is about and what words might be being used. For a child with language difficulties, the signs are visual clues to what the words are, and will hopefully help them to eventually develop and learn to recognise the oral words alone.

A very enjoyable two hours, and something I might like to progress with in the future. A well spent saturday morning :)

For more information on Makaton: